Wow! If anyone out there is looking to have their system room calibrated definitely reach out to Brandon Hill! Even if you think your system sounds great it can be so much more. (and I thought I knew what I was doing) Think of it this way. You spend good money on your equipment. Why wouldn’t you want to get the most our of it? Really diggin the new sound. Music is so much more precise and bass is even. Movies sound incredible. So balanced. Before the surrounds were just too distracting and dialog was lost. Now it’s perfect and even the wife likes it and she doesn’t normally notice anything. Great job. Thanks so much Brandon!
Tom Greeno
I had just purchased a complete SVS sound set up. I have heard rave reviews about their subwoofers in regard to sound quality, build quality and response. Initially, when I set up the dual subwoofer, main channels, surround and atmos speakers, I was impressed. I felt like they could do more though. I was told I would likely benefit from a professional room calibration put in contact with Brandon. The process was streamlined and couldn't have been easier! Very easy to work with, and happy to explain the changes seen on EQ graph. The results...Man!! I'm so happy with the outcome! The bass is strong, not as "boomy", fuller, and has a wider range. It feels like it's working in sync with the speakers, not making peak appearances. I'm so pleased with the outcome!! I will consult again for future calibrations and upgrades!
Peter Tronset
For years | have been chasing that sound in my home theater, ever since feeling every punch Bob Barker plants on Happy Gilmore at Soundtrack. Thousands of dollars and nearly a dozen subwoofers later, 'm getting very close! But | can't take the credit. A big thanks to Brandon Hill for the tune today. He time aligned and level matched my system using his thorough knowledge of miniDSP and REW. Goes to show you can have great equipment, but it if it's not set up properly it will never sound great. Still testing it out, but so far everything is so much tighter and I'm hearing and FEELING things | never did before. Hopefully | get to bed tonight, but enjoying rewatching some of my favs. Thanks Brandon Hill! Better get on his schedule quick! Including a before and after graph. So smooth.
Mark Pohiman
Hello Mr Hill. Hope you're ok and enjoyed your holiday! | took the time to compare the Trinnov sub optimiser graphs of the former calibration and the one we did last Thusday and | am pleased to inform you that the latter are a 100% improvement. Now the optimiser managed nearly a flat line for all three subs! This has been confirmed even during the listening tests that | conducted over the weekend. Bass response is now far more consistent across the six seats and one could easily distinguish bass notes that have never been heard before! So | am very pleased with the results. Whay | noticed though are two things that | wish to inform you about. First, for some reason or another, the Trinnov failed to save the two other positions that we calibrated apart from the MLP! | copied this preset to another and ran and saved a reading of right amd left back, and right and in front.This using the same room.
Frans Farrugia
Just added two more subs in the rear for a total of four 18" Deep Sea Sound Marianas. Using an AViZO to a miniDSP 2x4 HD. | wanted to thank ill for the calibration using REW. The bass response in the room is so much cleaner and controlled. The Atmos channels and surrounds have a seamless blend now too (it's a 9.1.6 setup). I'm very happy with the results and highly recommend a professional calibration!
Dave Robison
After nearly 2 years of constant changes/upgrades to my home theater, | finally pulled the trigger on setting up the minidsp 2x4hd. Initially, | was going to follow the YouTube videos and do it myself, but with a chaotic life schedule between two kids in school and travel sports, work and my wife being a nurse who works 12 hour shifts, | just didn’t have the time to do it right. Brandon Hill crushed it. He hung in there after multiple technical issues on my end and spent a little over 3 hours dialing everything in. The results are fantastic. All of my speakers are working together now. The subs are much clearer with very tight bass that no longer over powers and drowns out my mains. I have 4 SVS SB12-NSD subs stacked 2x2 in the front. The top subs now will actually "walk" their way backwards ( so going to need to utilize some brackets to hold them in place). they seem way more powerful than before. I've been watching movie after movie listening to how much different they sound as compared to before. Also, music seems to have so much more clarity and | definitely cannot listen to the same stuff at the higher volumes | though | was listening too before. So if you don't have time to learn how to properly calibrate, or just not interested in trial and error for hours on end, send Brandon a message. He will definitely take care of you. speakers that Brandon Hill completed for my theater. I had Steven Smith help me a couple years ago with 2 hammer builds. | spent hours researching learning all the ins and outs on how to build and understanding mini dsp etc. and how to get things tuned as best as | knew how. I'm sure a lot reading this can understand or appreciate what | went through. I'm a novice this isn't something I'm fully comfortable with but with help from Steve and my friends Russell Clemons | felt | got things to a level | was proud of, plus | did it myself. Many text from my wife to turn it down also validated my efforts . Then comes my introduction to Brandon recently, some have seen the reviews, | was excited to see what he could do, and last night was my turn. Well, one word, WOW! It's like I'm in a different room. | can't believe what I've been missing out on. | wish | knew Brandon 2 years earlier, he did a great job. I'd highly recommend him. It was SO EASY for him to patch in to my laptop and he would call me a few times and I'd do some leg work. I'm hearing things | didn't hear before, my seats vibrate more than before, the tactile feel is unreal. The time it took him vs the time | invested initially was insane, well worth the money and if you haven't done this yet to your set up, pay him and save yourself frustration and get a better outcome. If you're on the fence or in need to get your subs tuned and speakers dialed in he is the man for the job. 5 stars. Thanks Brandon!
Gustaf Hjalmar Hermanson